40 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. I do not think you have the full picture. If I have a broken arm, then a doctor can fix that, but when a patient says, “Here are my symptoms” the doctor does something: runs a test, prescribes a drug, but my experience is that the doing something does not often correlate to actually diagnosing and fixing the problem you walked in with.

    i have an issue with my bowels. I walk in, and he suggests a colonoscopy. Ok, he finds and removes polyps. He feels like he fixed something, only not only is my problem not fixed, he does not even ask about that. He is focused on the success of the procedure, the need to follow up in three years, but not a word about the original issue.

    If this were the only time something like this occurred then maybe it is me, but friends report similar issues. I do not trust doctors anymore because they are not listening and addressing the issue you walked in with.

    You guys may have more paperwork, may have to justify what you do to the insurance people, but when you are not attending to why the patient came to you in the first place then you have failed. It is okay if you say something is not fixable, though that sucks too, but address the reason the patient is there.

    1. I’ve had the same experience many times. I’ve literally almost died because doctors didn’t listen to what my problem was. I believe I’m better off on my own. I stayed away from them for decades then when I began going to them recently I’ve only gotten more medical issues than I began with. The hell with them. I took care of myself for decades and had no problems until they started prescribing these new deadly drugs!

  2. In response to your report on men having to man up and not be embarrassed, I submitted a response based on an experience I had involving a life threatoning kidney condition in which a mature female physician, who was sensitive to my feelings concerning male modestly, but was worried enough about my safety to ask me to put those concerns aside so she could conduct an invasive, extremely thorough examination of my nude body because she believed the risk to my health was potentially life threatening. I stand by every word I said in that submission, provided that my dumbphone didn’t change anything of the content with a malfunctioning editing program. If that submission is free of typos and changed content from my Intended submission, than feel free to disregard this one. Basically, she and I came to an understanding that my survival was more important than male modestly. That mutual understanding made it possible for me to live long enough to submit these two comments.

  3. As a male patient of a female physician who’s efforts and references on my behalf saved my life, I thought my input on your article about male modestly might be helpful. As a person who’s childhood was full of contradictions and mixed messages, I have been forced to accept male modestly as the exclusive domain of the females present. The only time my need for privacy in the presence of young females was considered, was if older females of authority deemed it appropriate. As a senior citizen looking back on situations where my physical health took priority over protection of male modestly, I am glad those females in authority made the decisions they did, although some could have been a little more understanding of my discomfort. The whole “man up and take it” philosophy is something woman have borrowed from the grown up male handbook on how to deal with uncooperative male youths. Females in this position have the option of acknowledging a male’s situation as awkward, without coming across as condescending or patronizing. Male physicians are not always known to show such compassion in the presence of another male. A male patient will often opt. To have a female physician because it is less humiliating to be exposed and possibly seen with an erection in plain view of someone who will not make homophobic associations. I feel this is more likely if both the patient and the medical staff present are young and socially inexperienced. When I had a medical emergency regarding my right kidney, the physician who examined me had to make a choice between my modestly and my life in determining how to proceed. She was an experienced physician who had her own practice for 35 years and worked emergency and triage for 11 years before that, including her time spent in Mash units in military and civilian service. I was a veteran, myself, and my ability to feel embarrassed in front of a fellow old War Horse who had seen more naked males in her lifetime than I have in mind. We came to an understanding that if she wasn’t embarrassed, than I wouldn’t be. She was doing all the right things, for all the right reasons, which was to save my life. She knew more about how my anatomy functioned than I did, so it was just more convenient if I removed all coverings before the examinations began, so there was no pretense of anything inappropriate going on. I trusted her judgment and had nothing to hide, and she showed no discomfort in my exposed state and did not waist time asking for my consent before touching this, or looking at that. She was a professional of several decades and we were both mature adults, so nothing was taken out of context or misinterpreted as inappropriate. When both parties agree at the beginning, that nothing is to be sexualized, and no motivations suspect, then it frees up the physician to attend to the issue at hand, which is saving the life of their patients.

  4. Hello Dr Linda Girgis, I read your write up on how the public might be loosing trust in doctors as a result of pecuniary interests beclouding the judgement of doctors.
    I cannot agree with you more and I wish to share my own thoughts on the issue.

    You are practicing in the United States where medical practice is better regulated. I practice in Nigeria and was until recently head of clinincal services at a large public hospoital, the 661 Nigerian Air Force Hospoital, Ikeja in South West Nigeria. Because of inadequate in house manpower, we had a number of consultants in various fields coming in as viiting consultants to run specialist clinins and also carry out surgeries and other procedures as required. I had a medicl officer workinh closely with the visiting surgeons.

    over time I noticed that all the cases listed for elective surgeries are those who had the capacity to pay immediately. now medical services is not free any where in the world. however, we had a number of airforce perssonell and veterans whose care was supposed to be free or highly subsidized. curiously, these were either never listed for suregery (except emergencies) or such listing was done rather reluctantly. furthermore, even paying patients were excepted to pay into te hospital’s accounts department. however, I further discovered my medical officer in concert with the visiting consultant would tell the patient something like “we can list you for surgery in 2 months time or if you are ready to pay what the visitng consultant is demanding, you can have your surgery this week”.

    I made up my mind to have the MO moved to outpatient department or somewhere else away from surgery or O&G. however, I couldnt do this before I was posted out of the Hospital. you would have asked me if disciplinary measures and possibly dismissal could not have been initiated against the MO. The problems was that he was seconded to 661 NAF Hospital from the MOD so he is paid by MOD and any disciplinary issues have to be refeered to the MOD. I was made to understand this may take a year and end up in a token letter of warning. not worth it. I discussed with the Hospital commander and the plan was to move him to OPD before I left.

    Now, you can see in a single hospital, how one or 2 doctors because of illicit financial gain can give all doctors a bad name and actually result in what an Americal doctor wrote the year I left medical school (1995) that has stayed with me. the tile of that article was “Doctors that cause pain”.

    Thanks doc for your article. we can all continue to do our best to preserve the integrity of the medical profession.

    Dr Alfred A OGBONDA

  5. Hi I have a close family friend who is in the hospital right now. He went in 2 get some procedure done well he is on dialysis 3 times a week he is also a long time heroin addict that takes methadone everyday so he goes in 2 have procedure done and he almost died they had 2 give him narcan 2 bring him back. They pumped 2 liters of fluid from around his heart and now on a ventilator. So this hospital he is in is known 4 treating anyone that is a drug addict very bad it’s like they don’t care at all if ur an addict they dont want or even try 2 save the lifes of addicts. So here is my question dont all doctors and nurses sign an oath not 2 b this way? They r wanting his family 2 hurry up and make a decision on pulling the plug being pushy and very disrespectful. They have beenvgettinf away with it for years and its wrong!!

  6. I endured traumatic abuse and via munchausen by proxy and then victimizing left to as a kid run from this and a mentally ill father and his delusion an artist in art school and his not wanting to send kids to school. I had already at age 15 diagnose and at 18 cure my own bulimia. he could not do same for me or his own issues. I was not praised I was assaulted for being honors and my efforts.no drugs and came up positive and move on. he did not. would induce a sad story on me which induce ptsd cptsd on a uncomplicated healing and evil. I was then tossed into hell and trash in dysfunctional family toxic and then a victim of a very evil victimizing in nyc and torture. I was left unheard with no one listen to dr say don’t traumatize her and give her what she ask for. 24 years of effort to escape this and 11 years of torutre later, and survive what went on in the dark no one cared bout and family my friends said was go kil l me one day. I came up again with a noter shot and again did it alone. drs failed me and probably could not do what idid for me as common sense. I manage to take this to top walking cripple mute from a prison of horror into jobs and then regain my life by keep listen to me and god. my family only reacted to my escape them and this by try to take me back to hell and not care what was done or damage or about ptsd. insane . I had sanity and manage to overcome and rise up in jobs.. art jobs and start the process to regain.
    my life made sense had a strong mind and despite suffer so much I was responsive and did not get medical respect and had to respect me alone. taking me and progress allay up. persons made my life harder not easier to heal and jealousy and abuse and a cousin call it this who did not care what happen to me living down blocks from me but wen I got jobs in art world to come after them or compete. I was the correct one and did hold on to my soul for 24 years of being winged monkey by someone who I escape as a hostage of abuse torture and trying to keep me. a hostage of unbearable abuse, my fmother did not care and refused tot ell truth about this. I escape with a second shot a good job and luck and god and take it to next level despite I got fired and keep going . steps to socialize gain keep free of some abuse and regain art and talent and voice speech and means to protect my life and function. traveling to Jamaica to do part two of this and thrive and travel for 24 years and music and art and talent and come up over things despite evil toss at me of violent and evil persons abuse. I remain a child like drug free and healing person. I put me first and got to drs if I suffer trauma who did not care. I had to over come brain damage and autism and things and it was a list that began to shrink to almost zero and one that had to do with my brain and monitoring this . I was a strong willed person and it could been a lot better easier of someone was behind me not the devl trying to take my soul back I had a it life. and story. so I wanted to keep th miracle of me. but it was me and god and then I got used to being god and me . persons toss at me were toxic needy abusive and dirty and damaging, I remain focus and escape needing some concern but never got it. so I travel to heal , and then next one was set up. not a big list but taking chunks of time off my healing and chances of living and keep my life and reducing . but I made it to 2016 before the threats to kill me b sick people or make me need a straight jacket, and make sure I can’t become famous and other things to keep me pressed failed. abusers failed and a matrix person possible a sister someone who had. me a hostage of abuse an d wanted to induce mental illness in me failed. I escape got to prove my abuse and was rising . despite the persons who inflict me, I was happy go lucky and charmed nad exceprtional. so I knew death was go happen if I made it. and three years ago I was to smart for the set up and a sick little pimp I escape in Negril who is mentally ill immature and tend to break. hates on people and victimize them and think he was charming on me but failed
    I escape him happy and he wanted to klll me so something took place and a man, in a place I went and was able to get peace and be free and I saw through the plot and avoid it. the person got frustrated that I was not about to fall for the charming man, or what ever and remain in my own lane and so the person came out of his lane into my own. at a time I was able to meditate and fix things in me and at a crucial momeet I was knocked down into a need to really focus and come up. which his action trigger a death punch on me which ei witness everything I did and my hard hard hard work and dedication to my life talent and miracle insntantly taken down out. adding a element that was forbidden to me at that tome and at. more crucial time to be wit me and god. before this happen I was happen even tested and defiant of evil and funny and smart. free. I had a voice and talent younger Tham years and gift from god. so a man did not matter. instantly someone in drugs actions induce a death punch om me. instantly eradicating of my soul mind body and health and induce a schizophrenia and death madness reaction and then left me to the needs of medical care because my internal dr was removed . my ties to god were removed and brain damage was induce on em so I could not regain or learn and I was speechless and possible a stroke , I began to go into a survival emergency medical mode over it and I could not get a health line of pulse and I began to suffer. for three years after I got to dr a month into this being traumatized, and holding on and doing things that took extreme strength to not lose mh life a dr should quickly given me supportive means to take the drain off me and start to help me to recover and possible stroke and need of rest. Instead I was pushed into street. left homeless as I could don’t function I=on. level enough to sustain my life and began to die. I refused to for three years being beaten up and beattered terrorized and my brain began to disiintigate and body suffer all kinds of illness as result and brain damage and speechless bouts of mostly canonic and strokes and more and more damage with me tryhig to separate my imind from the trauma failed because embrace rain could not heal and I had no way to heal it.it induce fatal traumatic final destination on me and then prsons outside began to abuse me. the person was ok he has family and houses I was left to die. the other persons began to attack me and I was then used as reversing game to reverse and induce all persons who failed to kill me and then leave me to suffer damage. I began to take to myself or someone and no d remove me. I did not komw what foot to put in front of other as I began to be attack and my mind being torn apart. making me suffer isolated and see all of m work to regain from feral turn to dust and my talent and voice and go into shock and kept there in extreme ause and trauma.. now I’m. a fatality walking around for a year and half talking to myself and going insane and left and to induce cancer on me. also . the trauma and brain damage nd m function being taken over by outside forces to induce cancer on me . and my whole constitiotn was mutialted nad mental mind set.. I’m a person who went from suer hero to useless and left pushed down. while I told person this was happening to not suffer agin what I did. same persons of drugs alcohol ignored me and push me down and insult me. so I’m now lost.

  7. Good evening Dr. Linda,
    Having just read your story about intractable pain, I am compelled to relate that of my wife who has been an intractable pain patient for almost a decade. Previously under the care of Dr. Forest Tennant, she finally reached stabilization through her opioid (fentanyl) medications and was just returning to her old self when the DEA forced the retirement of Dr. Tennant.
    Unfortunately one physician who took over Dr. Tennant’s patients is not as compassionate or capable and has brought about a reversal of that progress, all due to her fear of having that same fate of a DEA intervention in her practice. Unfortunately, since both I and my wife have medical backgrounds and are members of Doctors of Courage, we also presented reasonable questions regarding her motives for the changes being made.
    We are now facing the reality of having to secure a new pain management physician in California who is still willing to stand up to the DEA threats and continue with a program that has worked for four years, without any other side effects whatsoever.
    Can you direct us to any physician who may be willing to open a consult.?

  8. Here is a 2nd rewrite, though now, I find I need go through & fix a few things again:
    Here was my submittal & there is no way it is illegal & not appropriate to have public as most if not all of it is directly public data & comments & more, beg pardon, what was wrong with it at all please? As all humans minds & brains are, after some time, It occurred to me that I have at least 6 more proven through history points to add for it all.
    Here is the 2nd write up of my submission yesterday. This is all open for public discussion as exactly how it all came to be in what was written.
    Response please, huge insult not too & you know it. I could iterate more on that but shall stop my fingers. Here that is, now sent to PBS Newshour too.
    Hello Dr. Linda, Doug Thompson here; 44 years type 1 Diabetes, 46 years chronic pain from numerous sources (chronic 1 meal per day malnutrition all while working full time and more, C-3 C-4 severe damage constant sibling assault….)
    Point 1; Seriously, public at large directly states they know full well there is a very very reliable cure for type 1 diabetes, Pancreatitis, Kidney Disease, etc.., to absurd degrees, where I always state those facts simply, Liposuction, extract & strip down Mesenchymal Stem Cells(MSCs), set 12 to 24 aside to coax into growing into Alpha Cell, Beta Cell, Delta Cell, Gamma Cell, then for all stem cells, properly apply Bone Morphinogenic Protein-4, incubate, then rapid endoscopic procedure to transplant onto Liver, unless stem intravenous or direct endoscopic injection on organ, cell treatment to pancreas allows for absorption of new Islets Of Langerhanz directly on Pancreas.
    Point 2 of doctors verified proof of paying lawyers on retainer to only be used for insurance and not used to advance true, proper & solid and high cure rate science for quite a number of things.
    Point 3; Public at large goes to doctors for advice & reliable reference for conditions & more. FACT dictate of all insurance, direct quote seen in forms, “People are only to be assessed as wanting & needing to discover cures & things more all on their own without input from a supposed to be trusted source” Social psychology & more facts prove that as false fallacy as policy from insurance & pharmaceutical companies.​ Facts proven not allowed to public directly that patients want directions & fact proven verification for any number of things; NEGLIGENCE to falsely assume persons want to discover things for self when mind is congested with pain & more, contrary to majority of proven fact in psychology, social psychology & even psychiatry, not hard to look up.
    Point 4; Public direct statement, “Doctors are supposed to be the mechanic for the human body. How & why is it justifiable to cut off dieticians & more & not have any doctor approved food guide pyramid in every lobby, every exam room, if not more, right in front of us as blood is drawn, etc..?”.​
    Point 5, public at large fact knowledge; Armies of lawyers for insurance & pharmaceutical companies can and are supposed to be whittled down through an accumulation of doctors lawyers on retainers or not, from each and every clinic if not doctor, to be used to whittle down that army through conflict of interests if not more, to directly attack the fraud of any number of things, that anti-depressants are not supposed to be shoved off onto people at the meer mention of anything stupid & temporary. People being directly labeled as delusional where direct & full reference is given, yet not at all checked in order to go out of the way to not do any form of appropriate job to asses reference & more; fact, to date, more than 2/3 of all delusions could have been properly done & reference looked up, and malpractice result was supposed to stem from it while not one person can at all get a lawyer for it at all; Very VERY similar to how 2/3 of all carpal tunnel surgeries do not and science backs it, perform an fMRI on the shoulder the hand is direct result suffering from, arthroscopies are not new & to subject a not at all new carpal tunnel damage to healthy dermis without the fMRI is only direct fraud, direct malpractice & more, and MANY people speak the hate & distrust directly from that fraud as it is anti science, not at all using facts to validate a carpal tunnel surgery, etc…​
    Point 6, patents for pituitary gland hormone & chemical production sabotaged & not allowed for endocrinologists to justify any form of true, needed, valid medical practice of complete hormone panel necessitated by quite a number of indicators that something, anything be done for medical science facts for appropriate treatment, eg., populations with large amounts of fertilizer in water directly show a molecular attack on specific cells of Pituitary that create :L-Carnitine, L-Tartrate, Vit. C & exercise (LCLTVCe) for full out PROPER & MEDICAL NECESSITY to tackle low T in both genders as well as person after person testimony to their “medical professionals” stating how 2 to 5 years devotion to exercise for result of no weight loss at all due to fact evident deficiency in LCLT often along with low Vit. C.​
    Point 7; Public knowledge of practices of direct fraud & sabotage of health by majority of chemical companies if not inclusive of insurance companies through direct use of dictate how patents for any number of time tested time proven sacrificed for a pittance of negligently derived patents for soul, life & more sucking from each & every patient with no result of anything good for it where people state they have little to no choice but to report scant but there benefits along with reporting how much of any waste it was for primary condition (see comment on Gabapentin prescribed with few to no observance of need to treat neuropathy, following).​
    Point 8, Assumptive false dictates that if any type 1 Diabetic is alive 40 years later, the science simply does not support shoving diabetics negligently onto Gabapentin especially with no indicators of neuropathy in foot, extremities at all. Fraud, assumptive & no doctor once did any form of test for any from of abdominal neuropathy, pure & utter negligence.​

    There is point or 2 more needing brought up about it, but define Classical Conditioning, of mind or body? Howe much is a breaking point of company dictates of fraud & mutilization on a human to demean & diminish patients for the sole purpose of financial rape/fleecing/etc..? How much CAN any human take of vast amounts of fraud & misleading & expecting a side affect of a drug to take care of something with no direct impact of primary for that medicine to begin with?​
    PROOF FACT, more than a few people prove to be only jerks and nitwits when lack of protein at ages 33 (seen it & verified it at age 22 for some) on up, LONG PROVEN FACT & SCIENCE yet seriously a substantial thing that is not all recommended nearly as much as it is supposed to be directly from the persons that are qualified & designated to be advisors for it? But that is from a direct proven start of many people working more than full time, regardless of how it now is often as many as 3 to 4 part rime jobs to only wind up still vastly short for rent, all while sacrificing food to satiate biologic necessity of roof over head.​
    Any endocrinologist that is not at all allowed to do any form of full hormone panel, any & all doctors not allowed to do FACT PROVEN SCIENCE of nutrient table of patient, not at all done as supposed to be for direct verifying proof of any number of conditions, etc…​
    When did dietitians profession start? Just who & what did autopsies to empirically observe facts of proof of scurvy cause? Of Protein deficiencies? SCOTUS Judicial Misconduct Malfeasant Malpractice Inducement of Suffering Homicide as SCOTUS dictated that molecular biology was in its infancy without one iota of investigation to legitimize such false fraud as refenced above. Public states this as fact, with not one iota of recourse or ability to afford any form of legal help to have the culture be dictates of fraud rather than the expected culture and NOT flat out proven wrong and more Judicial Misconduct Malfeasant Malpractice Inducement of Suffering Homicide that IS the fraud (Eli Lilly V Novo Nordisk) of holding up the cure for type 1 Diabetes with a cure rate greater than 95% as well as perpetuating the lack of doctors to NOT DO THE SCIENCE of annual nutrient balances, etc…​
    Doctors have lawyers on retainer & not one of you have come up with at all to group them together in order to get doctors to be doctors again, no one is kidding anyone here & to assume many are being kidded is direct presumptive idiocy. Nih.gov CANNOT HAVE NCBI PHRAMACEUTICAL PROPAGANDA MACHINE CART BEFORE THE HORSE ARGUMENTS INTERTWINED WITH IT and you know it, as many see & recognize looking up nih.gov.​
    The public simply cannot take such egregious fraud as policy dictates on doctors & the public is completely flummoxed how not 1 doctor is retiring in order to directly attack the patent fraud perpetuated on people, ESPECIALLY with the pharmaceutical company suing another company in order to take both doctor & patient out of all of it. Not Judicious, not representing the public at all. Public direct statement “That all is a whole other pill shoved up that ass that should have ever been competently allowed”.​
    Thank you for your time & I do expect many of your patients have these same exact sentiments should you take & allow any form of proper time for getting to what patients actually think.​
    Party hearty, party smart, where I tell people all the time how that means in order to make far far less any form of hangover, for every drink to 2 drinks have a full glass of water with them & finish all of them before excusing yourself to pee, as you WILL need pee from it. How is that not party hearty party smart?​
    Five-dalooh, er uh, toodlelooh.

    If this gets deleted again, it is only going to be resubmitted over & over & over again, meaning I WILL NOT be left out of names on court cases & more; try me as you wish & if you ARE smart at all, you can & will read the above & see & know it is not so much the doctors at issue but their commandants, think. Thank you.
    Douglas Thompson

  9. Hello Dr. Linda, Doug Thompson here; 44 years type 1 Diabetes, 46 years chronic pain from numerous sources (chronic 1 meal per day malnutrition all while working full time and more, C-3 C-4 severe damage constant sibling assault…. Seriously, public at large directly states they know full well there is a very very reliable cure for type 1 diabetes, Pancreatitis, Kidney Disease, etc.., to absurd degrees, where I always state those facts simply, Liposuction, extract & strip down Mesenchymal Stem Cells(MSCs), set 12 to 24 aside to coax into growing into Alpha Cell, Beta Cell, Delta Cell, Gamma Cell, then for all stem cells, properly apply Bone Morphinogenic Protein-4, incubate, then rapid endoscopic procedure to transplant onto Liver unless stem cell treatment to pancreas allows for absorption of new Islets Of Langerhanz. Point 1 of doctors verified proof of paying lawyers on retainer to only be used for insurance and not used to advance true, proper & solid and high cure rate science for quite a number of things.
    Point 2; Public at large goes to doctors for advice & reliable reference for conditions & more. FACT dictate of all insurance, direct quote seen in forms, “People are only to be assessed as wanting & needing to discover cures & things more all on their own without input from a supposed to be trusted source” Social psychology & more facts prove that as false fallacy as policy from insurance & pharmaceutical companies.
    Point 3; Public direct statement, “Doctors are supposed to be the mechanic for the human body. How & why is it justifiable to cut off dieticians & more & not have any doctor approved food guide pyramid in every lobby, every exam room, if not more, right in front of us as blood is drawn, etc..?”.
    Point 4, public at large fact knowledge; Armies of lawyers for insurance & pharmaceutical companies can and are supposed to be whittled down through an accumulation of doctors from each and every clinic if not doctor, to be used to whittle down that army through conflict of interests if not more, to directly attack the fraud of any number of things, that depression is not supposed to be shoved off onto people at the meer mention of anything stupid & temporary, people being directly labeled as delusional where direct & full reference is given yet not at all checked in order to go out of the way to not do any form of appropriate job to asses reference & more; fact, to date, more than 2/3 of all delusions could have been properly done, and malpractice result from it while not one person can at all get a lawyer for it at all; Very VERY similar to how 2/3 of all carpal tunnel surgeries do not and science backs it, perform an fMRI on the shoulder the hand is direct result suffering from, arthroscopies are not knew & to subject a not at all new carpal tunnel damage to healthy dermis without the fMRI is only direct fraud, direct malpractice & more, and MANY people speak the hate & distrust directly from that fraud as it is anti science, not at all using facts to validate a carpal tunnel surgery, etc…
    Point 5, patents for pituitary gland hormone & chemical production sabotaged & not allowed for endocrinologists to justify any form of true, needed, valid medical practice of complete hormone panel necessitated by quite a number of indicators that something, anything be done for medical science facts for appropriate treatment, eg., populations with large amounts of fertilizer in water directly show a molecular attack on specific cells of Pituitary that create :L-Carnitine, L-Tartrate, Vit. C & exercise (LCLTVCe) for full out PROPER & MEDICAL NECESSITY to tackle low T in both genders as well as person after person testimony to their “medical professionals” stating how 2 to 5 years devotion to exercise for result of no weight loss at all due to fact evident deficiency in LCLTVCe.
    Point 6; Public knowledge of practices of direct fraud & sabotage of health by majority of chemical companies if not inclusive of insurance companies through direct use of dictate how patents for any number of time tested time proven sacrificed for a pittance of negligently derived patents for soul, life & more sucking from each & every patient with no result of anything good for it where people state they have little to no choice but to report scant but there benefits along with reporting how much of any waste it was for primary condition.
    Point 7, Assumptive false dictates that if any type 1 Diabetic is alive 40 years later, the science simply does not support shoving diabetics negligently onto Gabapentin especially with no indicators of neuropathy in foot, extremities at all. Fraud, assumptive & no doctor once did any form of test for any from of abdominal neuropathy, pure & utter negligence.

    There is point or 2 more needing brought up about it, but define Classical Conditioning, of mind or body? Howe much is a breaking point of company dictates of fraud & mutilization on a human to demean & diminish patients for the sole purpose of financial rape/fleecing/etc..? How much CAN any human take of vast amounts of fraud & misleading & expecting a side affect of a drug to take care of something with no direct impact of primary for that medicine to begin with?
    PROOF FACT, more than a few people prove to be only jerks and nitwits when lack of protein at ages 33 (seen it & verified it at age 22 for some) on up, LONG PROVEN FACT & SCIENCE yet seriously a substantial thing that is not all recommended nearly as much as it is supposed to be directly from the persons that are qualified & designated to be advisors for it? But that is from a direct proven start of many people working more than full time, regardless of how it now is often as many as 3 to 4 part rime jobs to only wind up still vastly short for rent, all while sacrificing food to satiate biologic necessity of nutrients.
    Any endocrinologist that is not at all allowed to do any form of full hormone panel, any & all doctors not allowed to do FACT PROVEN SCIENCE of nutrient table of patient, not at all done as supposed to be for direct verifying proof of any number of conditions, etc…
    When did dietitians profession start? Just who & what did autopsies to empirically observe facts of proof of scurvy cause? Of Protein deficiencies? Public states this as fact, with not one iota of recourse or ability to afford any form of legal help to have the culture be the expected culture and NOT flat out proven wrong and more Judicial Misconduct Malfeasant Malpractice Inducement of Suffering Homicide that IS the fraud (Eli Lilly V Novo Nordisk) of holding up the cure for type 1 Diabetes with a cure rate greater than 95% as well as perpetuating the lack of doctors to NOT DO THE SCIENCE of annual nutrient balances, etc…
    Doctors have lawyers on retainer & not one of you have come up with at all to group them together in order to get doctors to be doctors again, no one is kidding anyone here & to assume many are being kidded is direct presumptive idiocy. Nih.gov CANNOT HAVE NCBI PHRAMACEUTICAL PROPAGANDA MACHINE CART BEFORE THE HORSE ARGUMENTS INTERTWINED WITH IT and you know it, as many see & recognize lookin up nih.gov.
    The public simply cannot take such egregious fraud as policy dictates on doctors & the public is completely flummoxed how not 1 doctor is retiring in order to directly attack the patent fraud perpetuated on people, ESPECIALLY with the pharmaceutical company suing another company in order to take both doctor & patient out of all of it. Public direct statement “That all is a whole other pill shoved up that ass that should have ever been competently allowed”.
    Thank you for your time & I do expect many of your patients have these same exact sentiments should you take & allow any form of proper time for getting to what patients actually think.
    Party hearty, party smart, where I tell people all the time how that means in order to make far far less any form of hangover, for every drink to 2 drinks have a full glass of water with them & finish all of them before excusing yourself to pee, as you WILL need pee from it. How is that not party hearty party smart?
    Five-dalooh, er uh, toodlelooh.

  10. Doctors are up to their eyeballs with the red tape of ‘prior authorization’. Does the health insurance industry have such a strong lobby that this practice cannot be banned, An incredible amount of valuable time is being wasted that could place the patient’s life in jeopardy. I feel that this is a violation of patient rights.

  11. “Why Doctors Are Losing the Public’s Trust” Sounds like excuses and how do you know what the great majority of doctors are thinking? The oath means nothing at this day and time.

  12. I made a submittal to the “Why Men Patients Are Forced To Man Up” article 5 days ago that appears to have gotten hung up in awaiting moderation status. Technology is mostly a mystery to me but maybe you can shake it loose. Thanks for all that you do. RU

  13. Glad to see nocturia is still making the news and someone, other than those who work directly in geriatrics, think it is important. I would like to add that it can also be a presenting symptom in people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which can disrupt the natriuretic peptide production, which decreases anti-diuretic hormone release and the RAAS system. OSA is also prevalent in older adults.

  14. Hi Dr. Linda
    Really enjoy your site!

    Could you please check your submissions page?
    I’m not sure if it’s working correctly.
    it says loading, but I’m unable to enter type/paste in any content.

    Thank you.

  15. Your November 7 article, “How do health insurance companies harm patients?” was 100% accurate. I cannot disagree with a single point you make. It is clear to me that they practice medicine.

  16. Just read “Simple Words Can Sometimes Make a Big Impact…,” and you said, “…(patients) want to know we are real people.” Recently worked 3 years as a rural GP in New Zealand. There, as in many places, the GP walks to the waiting room, and escorts the patient to their office, chatting about things on the way (and watching their gait, their mood, etc). And you enter, not an exam room, but “your” office. And there, on the walls are photos of family, fishing trips (Kiwis love fishing), kids doing sports (Kiwis love sports), etc. Very warm, very cozy, and very much my life. Patients loved it. “Is that your son?” “Nice snapper.” “Is that your house in Alaska.” I became very “real.”
    And, of course, the conversation turned to the patients family, hobbies, etc. And at every follow up visit, the conversation picked up. They knew about my life, and I theirs. I have never, before, or since, felt as close to my patients as I did there.
    Here… “We need to add another exam room, so we can see more patients, more efficiently.” And the rooms, even if they have a few magazines, are cold, clinical, and after a frequent prolonged wait, hostile.
    And we scheduled 3 per hour.

    Thanks, Steve

    1. I completely agree with you. I think we have lost much of the personal interaction that still should be there.

  17. Dr. Linda Just read your article ” stop the Z Pac madness”. FINALLY I feel that I have a colleague that wants to practice appropriate medicine!! As a board certified emergency and family medicine doc, I have been fighting this battle with my patients and colleagues for over 20 years!!!..I have grown disgusted with the “placebo attitude “( ” there must be a ” pill” for everything”) ” that our society wants us docs to enable. I cant tell you how many times I have refused to give the placebo ( z pac) for acute bronchitis , sinusitis, uri s cough and colds, flu etc. Of course, when you don’t meet the Patients ” agenda” your patient satisfaction scores suffer, and you must be a ” lousy doc and NOBODY should suffer a change in their baseline of comfort. I have grown steadily DISGUSTED with this mentality and refusal of my colleagues to take the time to either educate the patient, or al least ” have a spine ” to practice appropriate medicine!!

    To quote Dr. Thomas Doyle ER doc in ” suck it up America”,” America is becoming a nation of spineless, anxious wimps” , and we are supposed to enable this myth that to have ANY change in our baseline of comfort is unacceptable, and needs an ” immediate cure” yesterday!! SAD ! certainly DOES NOT build strength of character and spine, God forbid what is going to happen to these people in a time of REAL crisis!! ” But doc, you re just going to let me SUFFER !! ??

    1. Der Dr. D.Gary Batten, I’m 73 and now diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases Hypogthyroidism and Lichen sclerosus. I do get where you are coming from; I was definitely raised in the 40’s and 50’s to “suck it up”. AND to be conscious enough to be responsible enough for my own health. What that has meant for me these last two years is that I went on a 3 month google “rampage” to figure out the NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES involved in autoimmune disease. MOSt American trained doctors don’t study nutrition. We’ve know this for years… but when PAIN hits i got to work. I am now comfortable (withOUT taking sskin thinning steroids). Guess what, Doc Batten? YOU COULD be prescribing ‘pills’ but they wouldn’t be useless placebo’s – they would be NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS. I found the research in far flungplaces by MD and Nd’s who researched beyond their own training to figure these thigns out. YEP i take about 28 pills a day … and guess what? I’m not in pain

  18. Hi Dr Linda

    Do you feel that the US will get true universal healthcare in the next few years?
    It seems like a corner is turning on the issue. After years and years of “Repeal Obamacare!” the GOP were forced to actually articulate a plan. Which of course was total rubbish.

    How do doctors feel about this issue? My impression is many younger physicians see the need for change but older ones are more resistant.

  19. Dr. Linda,
    Do you examine and diagnose patients for Misophonia? My daughter’s school is requesting an updated diagnosis in order to provide accomdations at school?

    1. Hi! No, I don’t diagnose or treat Misophonia. But, if your child does have misophonia I would work with the school to help develop an IEP. I do advocate for Misophonia because it is a very under-recognized and misunderstood disorder. I wish you and your daughter the best!
      Dr. Linda

  20. I am so thankful for your “McDonald’s practices to avoid in healthcare” article. I am the Blood Bank Supervisor at a small hospital and people expect blood transfusions like Blood Bank is a gas pump. People’s mentality boggles my mind! Love you stating it for me. LuAnn

  21. Why is it when I read an article about male sex or genitalia it’s mostly written by women, is it, power over masculinity, power over men, What’s the female fashionation.

    1. I haven’t noticed this trend but I write about medical diseases. As a physician, I treat men and I am expected to know about these diseases and how to diagnose them. My article was about a testicular cancer, which is not an article about sex or men’s genitalia. Not sure how you read that in there. But, the fact is that the earlier testicular cancer is diagnosed, the better chance there is for a cure. That is why I wrote the article: because I want people to know about this disease and come for medical care if they detect a lump. Making it a men’s/women’s issue only further serves to increase discomfort in men seeking in care. If you personally do not feel comfortable seeing a women physician or even just reading an article written by a women, there are enough men experts out there to find. Not all men feel the same. The “fascination” as you put it is merely medical and raising awareness of a deadly cancer and hopefully saving lives.

  22. Hi Dr. Linda!


    My name is Jordana and I work for a healthcare startup called Buoy. With our digital technology, you can easily check and understand your symptoms and know what to do the moment you feel sick. I was searching for articles about healthcare technology and came across your site.

    I just wanted to give you a heads up that we created content that is relevant to your area and backed by medical facts and doctors found here:


    Might be worth a mention on your page!

    Either way, your articles are amazing and I truly find them interesting to read!


  23. Good Afternoon!
    I’ m a student at the University of South Carolina and am currently working on one of my argumentative research projects. I am arguing against feminine stereotypes in the medical field and was wondering if you would answer a few of my questions?

    1.1. What are some examples of times you felt like you were being discriminated against as a female doctor?

    2. Can you explain the effects that gender stereotypes have had on your career so far?

    3. In your article you explained how you want women to destroy these stereotypes. What
    ways do you think women can overcome these stereotypes and prove that women doctors are just as good as male doctors?

    Thank you so much!!!

  24. Hi Dr. Linda,
    Just read your 12/20 post from KevinMD’s blog regarding “Overdose on News” Personally, I don’t watch commercialized TV primarily because of the advertising component. The news can be startling and addictive and I can appreciate how some may become attached to the horrors being reported. Then…the commercials about being depressed, anxious, unable to sleep, connect with others etc… fills the screen and here’s a pill to help.
    Your advise is sound and promotes a better way, however the bombardment of “fix it quickly” with a pill messages are just as bombarding as the news programing. Shock and Awe is how the media broadcasts to increase their viewership. Pharm companies are big spenders for advertising to sooth the impact.
    Tragically, their message is working as Dec. 2016 Scientific America report describes,
    “1 in 6 Americans Takes a Psychiatric Drug”. Vois la, the hand in hand dance as the media accepts the almost $50 Billion spent by big pharma. (WashingtonPost Feb 2015)
    Some may get attached to the stories, and it appears that more a becoming attached to the fix of the News Blues.
    Your way is the better way, which takes more time, creativity and interaction yet for “immediate gratification” perhaps not the easiest or the quickest.
    Thanks for this platform to express my thoughts. Look forward to hearing yours.

  25. Hi Susan,

    I help run a blog for healthcare professionals. As a keen blogger, I thought you may be interested in contributing on our blog. It may provide an opportunity to support a project you’re involved in or draw attention to a cause you care about.

    Please get in touch if you’d like to know more, I can answer any of your questions.

    Rhys Mills

  26. Hi Dr. Linda!

    I love your blog, it’s very informative. I work for an insurance company (in marketing) and we provide insurance for mainly health care professionals so I tend to focus our blog with that target demographic in mind. I was wondering if you would be interested in guest blogging or to simply allow me to pick your brain for an interview piece? Please email me so we can further discuss a collaboration.

    Thank you,

  27. Thanks for a very good report on your ICD-10 experiences. I have not been able to find any information about effects on physician productivity. I am in a system using an EHR that requires providers to enter the diagnosis and the billing code. I believe my productivity fell 10-15%. An example is “uterine fibroid” is now “leiomyoma of uterus”. So, have you seen anything about physician productivity reduction due to ICD-10?

    Thanks, again,

    1. Thank you and no I haven’t. I greatly expect productivity to decrease. Even this morning putting codes on lab orders took an incredible amount of time. I think it is too early to tell but I think this is going to be a very common complaint.

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