Children are dying at the border in squalid conditions. Do you care? Does anyone? Over the past few months, I have heard people say that
Category: Social Injustice

On twitter this past weekend, I saw a tweet that commented on the fact that there were too few black men who became doctors. I

The news has recently reported the story about the Cleveland Clinic resident, Dr. Lara Kallab, who was fired after making anti-Semitic comments on twitter. Among

<San·ta Claus (săn′tə klôz′) noun. The personification of the spirit of Christmas, usually represented as a jolly fat man with a white beard and a

As the world watches and protests the mistreatment of children at the US-Mexico border, we should also remember what is happening to children already within

On June 10, 1963, the Equal Pay Act was signed into law by President John F. Kennedy, amending the previous Fair Labor Standards Act. Under