I’ve heard pretty much every excuse there is why a patient doesn’t want to get a flu shot. Some claim it causes the flu, others
Category: Blog

Dr. Mahmud Ibrahim will be speaking live at Girgis Family tonight at 6:30 PM about chronic pain and spinal cord stimulators. If you are unable

It took me decades of studying, training, hard work, and sleepless nights to become a doctor. In approximately 5 years, I became a successful writer,

Children are dying at the border in squalid conditions. Do you care? Does anyone? Over the past few months, I have heard people say that

Every day I receive all kinds of emails and other ads telling me about services offering me help to meet MIPS quality metrics. While they

Endometrial Cancer is the 4th leading cancer in women, with an incidence of 24 in 100,000. It has a very good prognosis when diagnosed early. The link