How Our Healthcare System is Traumatizing Patients

The healthcare system has never been so complex as it is today. As doctors, we’ve seen the struggles that happen just trying to help patients get the medical care they need. Patients are now ladened with high deductibles and often are the victims of baseless denied coverage for diagnostic tests and medication.

Insurance companies insist that they are not practicing medicine, merely making coverage determinations and that the patient os free to follow their doctor’s advice, paying out-of-pocket of course. Realistically, if all patients have thousands of dollars to pay for their medical care, would we even need healthcare insurance? The answer is clear and that is medical care is becoming unaffordable, even for patients who are covered by insurance.

While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) did a good job at getting more American lives covered by medical insurance, it did nothing to address the escalating costs. Yes, uninsured patients was huge money drain on the system. But, patients now are forced to pay premiums for insurance plans that don’t cover much of their medical needs. Now, many insurance companies are pulling out of the ACA insurance exchanges offering discounted plans. Patients are given the choice of going uninsured (and being hit with tax penalties) or paying premiums they cannot afford.

How is our current system adversely affecting patients?

  • In addition to the above, they are paying much more on their own. The middle class is being especially squeezed. Many patients are living pay check to pay check and simply don’t have the money to pay more. Medical care is not cheap.
  • Patients are self-rationing care. Many patients decide not to take certain medications because of the cost, despite the advice of their doctor. They are choosing which medications to take and which to stop. This is obviously a very dangerous situation that can have lethal consequences.
  • Patients delay coming for care. If a patient has a serious disease, delaying care may lead to less treatment options or even any. The earlier a disease is diagnosed, the better the chances for a cure or keeping it under control.
  • Trust is lost. When patients are used for profits by insurance companies and others, they lose trust in the whole system. They stop trusting their doctors. To be effective, the doctor-patient relationship needs to be based on mutual trust. I have had patients get upset with me based on insurance company decisions so I know their frustration is often misplaced. But, it does put a strain in the therapeutic relationship, at least for a time.
  • Patients give up. What good is it knowing what they need to do to get better, yet not being able to do it because the insurance company will not approve it? Tell me again how insurance companies don’t make medical decisions. If a patient and I decide on a treatment plan and then their insurance company does not authorize it because it is “not medically necessary” that is a medical decision. Not only is that a medical decision, but it is over-turning a doctor’s medical decision who actually examined the patient and not the just his/her cost to the system. Insurance companies are not held accountable for these decisions. In fact, they are immune from accountability by the contracts they sign with clinicians and patients.
  • Hospitals are no longer patient-friendly. They are for-profit (mostly) business that run like other big businesses. They do not care that their business is to supply care to patients who may feel sick, stressed, confused, overwhelmed, dying or just plain frustrated. Sure, they have all those surveys and hospital volunteers that seek your opinion to bolster their ratings. But, their goal at the end of the day is increasing their profits. If they have to cut nursing staff to dangerously low levels to achieve that goal, they will. If they have to discharge you a day early because they don’t think they will get paid for that day, they will. Whether or not you are ready to go home.
  • The people who do care have no voice in how the system operates: doctors and patients. How many proposed healthcare initiatives did we witness last year that failed? Did any of them have support from physician or patient groups? Did any of them seek the opinions of doctors or patients? I would venture a guess no mainly, because I tried very hard to voice my opinion to key lawmakers and mostly was ignored or shot down. No one wanted to hear my real experiences with real patients in the real world of medicine. They were much more interested in protecting their vested interests: the big health insurance and pharmaceutical companies. How can people compete with that power?

Not only is the healthcare system in the US not working, it is actually traumatizing patients. Patients should feel comfortable to seek help for their health when they need it. Instead, they are often trivialized and used for others’ gain. The health sector is the biggest portion of the US economy and businesses are harvesting huge profits. But, we need to be the patients’ biggest advocates. Medicine is about healing. In the words of Hippocrates and to the oath doctors swear: ” I will follow that system of  regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is  deleterious and mischievous”. The time is here that all who provide medical services to patients (insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, etc.) be bound to the same oath.

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4 thoughts on “How Our Healthcare System is Traumatizing Patients

      1. Hello Dr.Linda Girgis. My father was recently at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen TX . I saw things that Dr ‘s. We’re doing and it felt like they cared More about profit ‘s than actually taking care of him healthwise.Do Dr.s care more about money than helping their patients???If a Dr. Cares more about money then why help people go into sales . I’ve always thought Dr.cared about helping their patients live longer than making money ..

        1. Hi Alex!
          I believe most doctors truly care about their patients. Yes, there are some who put profits above patients and they make all of us look bad. I think patients just need to stop going to those doctors. I know it is not always easy to know which is which. Hope your father is doing OK.
          Best wishes,
          Dr. Linda

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