The New York Times just reported that Robert De Niro is pulling a documentary from the Tribeca Film Festival about anti-vaccination. It was supposedly going to focus on the catastrophe following the link between MMR vaccine and autism.
This film was co-written and co-directed by Andrew Wakefield. You may recall that he was the researcher who published the link between MMR and autism originally in the Lancet (a leading British medical journal) in 2010. What those who belong to the anti-vaxxer movement fail to reveal is that this article was retracted and Mr. Wakefield lost his medical license due to ethics violations and failing to disclose his financial conflicts of interest. Furthermore, the ideas in his study were discredited and future studies show that no link exists.
Whatever the reason the film was canceled no one is clearly saying. But, it is important to state that putting out false medical information to the general public is very dangerous. A documentary discussing vaccines or any medical issue should be put to the scientific test first. People should not die of vaccine preventable diseases because a celebrity endorsed medical myths.
So, what is the truth about vaccines? You can READ MORE HERE