What You Should Know Before You Travel Abroad

As summer approaches and the end of the school year draws near, many people are arranging their travel plans. In the midst of arranging airline travel, sight seeing tours and hotel lodgings, many people forget to think about how to stay safe when traveling.

What should you do before you travel abroad?

1. You should make yourself aware of any travel alerts and warnings to your choice of destination. These can be found on the website for The State Department, where you can sign up to receive email notifications if the situation changes. Additionally, you should register that you will be traveling in a specific place so The State Department is aware of your presence in that country.

2. Make sure all of your required travel documents are in order. Check that your passport is current and research to see what if any, type of Visa you need before entering another country.

3. Understand your health insurance coverage and know what it covers when you travel abroad. If it does not cover anything, it may well be worth getting traveler’s health insurance.

4. If you take prescription medications, make sure you have enough for your trip. Also, try to get their generic names if you need it while out of the country. Ask your doctor to write a note because some countries have strict regulations about what medications can be carried into their countries.

5. Get vaccinated! No one wants to get their vacation ruined by an infectious disease. You can check the CDC website to see which vaccines are required or recommended for your destination. Some countries require that you have certification that you have received the Yellow Fever Vaccine. This is a little yellow card that the doctor records the date the vaccine was given and signs it.

6. Know the type of diseases that exist in the place you are going. Even though you may be traveling only to big cities, it may still be wise to take food precautions. Drink only bottled water or water that has been boiled. Avoid fruits and vegetables with their skins intact. Do not use ice cubes.

7. Be aware of your surroundings. You may be excited to see new sites. This is a good time for thieves to strike. Enjoy your new surroundings but keep an open eye to others around you.

8. Stay in groups. Avoid off the beaten path sites unless you are with someone you trust.

9. If you are going to a country where malaria is present, be sure to take your malaria prevention pills before you travel, while you are in the country you are visiting and when you return. It is very important that your doctor know exactly where you are traveling because, in some places, malaria is resistant to the usual antibiotics.

10. Avoid insect bites. Depending on your location, insects carry various disease such as malaria and Dengue Fever. These can be quite serious infections. Use insect repellent with Deet and mosquito netting as indicated.

While there are many safety to precautions to keep in mind, there is no reason to be overly paranoid about it. Following these steps will help you have a safe and healthy trip.

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