Allergy Season Is Here: What To Do

Allergies occur in response to an exaggerated response by the immune system to various foreign substances to the body. Many of these are common materials, such as pollens, dust mites, animal proteins, foods, medications and others. The term “allergies” was first coined by Austrian pediatrician, Clemens Pirquet (1874-1929). They can develop at any age and can sometimes be outgrown. While environment plays a key role, family history has been shown to be an independent risk factor. Allergies are so common that it has been estimated that 10-20% of the industrialized world suffers from them. Symptoms include watery, itchy eyes , sneezing, nasal and sinus congestion, rashes, cough, and wheezing.

What can be done to alleviate symptoms from allergies?
1. The most important thing, which may also be the hardest, is to avoid the allergens. Stay indoors when the pollen count is high if that is what causes your symptoms. If dust mites is your allergen, frequent vacuuming and better yet, get rid of all carpets. Use the dust mite free pillow cases.
2. Control the humidity in your home. Often when the humidity is not set at an appropriate level, allergy symptoms can be exacerbated. Use a humidifier if necessary.
3. Temperature can also have a role in the increased severity of allergy symptoms. Ideally, the temperature in the home should be set between 68-72 degrees.
4. Use nasal lavage and saline rinses. It has been determined that these, as well as the Netti Pot, are safe as long as the instructions are followed appropriately.
5. Try over-the-counter anti-histamines. People react differently to different medications. There is no one best allergy medication. You may have to try more than one until you find the one that works best for you.
6. If you have allergies to your pet, you don’t need to get rid of your pet. Keep them outside of your bedroom. Vacuum frequently and preferably get rid of carpets in exchange for hardwood floors.
7. If all the above fails, it is time to see the doctor. You may need to be tested to see what you truly are allergic to. Also, there are some medications that may help that are prescription only and your doctor can give it to you.
8. If your allergies are severe enough that they are interfering with your daily life and everything else has not made a difference, consider allergy shots. Basically, it is taking what you are allergic to and greatly diluting it. The serum is then injected below the skin. The body mounts an immune response against it and this helps build tolerance to the allergen over time.

Allergies have been particularly bad this spring. But, you don’t have to suffer. Follow the steps mentioned above and schedule an appointment with your doctor when you feel you need more help.

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