Staying Safe Over The Summer

As summer approaches, we are all anxious to get outdoors and enjoy the nicer weather. But, we need to take certain precautions to make sure we stay healthy and safe all summer. We need to pay particular attention to our children as well.

How can we keep ourselves and families healthy and safe over the summer?

1. Be careful in the sun. It is not just about preventing sunburn, which can be a miserable experience in itself. But, the incidence of skin cancer is on the rise. We need to protect ourselves from the damaging rays of the sun. Every time we go outdoors, we should apply sunscreen of at least SPF of 30 and be sure it blocks both UVA and UVB rays. It should be applied at least 30 minutes before going outdoors and every 2 hours afterwards. We should wear protective clothing and wide-brimmed hats. Also, sunglasses should be worn that block both UVA and UVB rays. If possible, we should avoid the times when the sun rays are the strongest, between 12 pm-4 pm.

2. Stay hydrated. We should drink fluids before we go outdoors, especially if we are going to take part in any athletic endeavors. We need to keep drinking water, even if we don’t feel thirsty. We need to especially remind children to drink water, because they can get dehydrated mush quicker. Also, clothing should be lightweight and light in color.

3. We need to be careful around pools and other bodies of water. We need to watch children very closely here. If a child does not know how to swim, they should wear flotation devices and only go in the pool with an adult.

4. Helmets are important. As the weather gets nicer, kids will want to be outdoors biking and skateboarding more often. Always make sure their brains are protected. Make sure they wear their helmets at all times and that they fit correctly.

5. Listen to the lifeguard. They have reasons for telling you what to do and it involves your safety. If they tell you not to swim in a certain part of the ocean, don’t. It may be an area of riptides or other unseen danger.

6. People like to grill outdoors in the summer. We need to take precautions to keep our food safe and avoid unnecessary infections. Use a meat thermometer when grilling meat. The internal temperature should reach 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot. Refrigerate leftovers promptly.

7. With summer fun comes bugs. Bugs can carry certain harmful infections, such as Lyme Disease and West Nile Virus. We should try to avoid contact with these insects and prevent bug bites. Wear insect repellant with at least 20% DEET to deter mosquitoes and ticks. Know that the prime mosquito biting time is dusk to dawn. Wear protective clothing. Clothing can also be treated with permethrin. Shower and check for ticks as soon as coming indoors. This is especially important to do for children. Don’t forget to check the scalp. This is a common site for ticks.

8. Rodents also like to come out in the summer. Fill any gaps or holes both inside and outside the home.

Summer can be a very fun time and a great way to enjoy the outdoors. However, it is very important to take precautions to make sure the safety of ourselves and our loved ones.

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